DIY crafts

DIY Fabric Covered Magnets!

Hi there! I’ve recently joined Pinterest, a kind of virtual bulletin board and found a real goldmine of inspiration and DIY projects! How wonderful is that?! So One of the AMAZING projects I found a little while ago was Cute Fabric Covered Magnets. I had most of the supplies and then took a trip my neighborhood Dollar Store and found little round fridge magnets for a whole $1. It’s pretty easy-peasy!
Instructions: Simply cover buttons in fun fabric (button-covering kits can be purchased at fabric or craft stores and look like this) snip the back off with pliers and super-glue on a magnet! Hooray! Makes perfect little gifts too…..

♡ Round magnets
♡ super glue (i like goop)
♡ Pliers
♡ Scissors
♡ Fabric-cover button kit
♡ Scrap Fabric

Happy crafting! xo

Let them dry for a little while….
And voila! Awesome new fridge magnets!

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