DIY cards DIY crafts

DIY Wedding Map!

 Hi there! My beautiful friend Naomi got married last week and I wanted to make her a beautiful handmade gift full of love. So I started with a handmade card! I call it a “wedding map” and it’s oh-so easy to do! I even made a second one which I framed and included with my gift! Wanna make one?

❤ white cardstock
❤ patterned paper & red paper
❤ glue stick
❤ scissors
❤ pencil
❤ printer & computer
❤ outline of the province/state in which the wedding is taking place.

DIRECTIONS ①  Type out wedding info : the name of the couple, date and city of the wedding and print onto a  sheet of white cardstock. ② Print and trace the shape of the province (or state) were the couple is getting married. ③ Cut it out and glue onto the cardstock. ④ Add a heart on the city where they are getting married (here, the happy couple got married in Ottawa .Ontario)! Hooray!
The finished product…. framed!
the polka-dot version!
Having so much fun with stencils these days!

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