BABY Sewing

DIY Sensory Sun Plushie

Hi there! I wanted to share my latest sewing project with you. I made this fun sensory plushie toy for little miss while she was napping (took a few naps!). What’s the inspiration? She plays often with this little koala plush that has tiny ribbons on its side and she was really facinated with them lately as well as the tags on other toys. I wanted to make something with lots of ribbons! I found the idea on the Momma Mode Blog, although the instructions were for the cloud plushie. At the end of the page was a picture of this cute sunshine. I thought it was the cutest and decided to make it! The best part of this project is that I used felt and ribbons I already had at home and spent no money on this! Woot woot!

Here are the STEPS to make your own!

Once you’re done stuffing the plushie, stitch it closed with yellow thread.
VoilĂ ! So adorable!
**I cut some of the loops and made two ribbons instead. I heat seeled them with a ligther.


Little miss just loves her sun!! She loves playing with the ribbons with her fingers… and sticking them in her mouth!

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