I have a confession: I love my Iphone…. a lot. Who can resist? It does everything! “How do I spell this word?” BAM! “Who’s in that movie again?” BAM! “What should we eat tonight hon?” BAM! “I need to renew my library books!” BAM! And the list goes on…
Unfortunately, these little smart phones are pretty pricy! So let’s make sure we protect the little guys with a beautiful padded sleeve/pouch! Oh and everyone that’s gotten one as a gift from moi LOVES it! And all you need is a scrap of fabric!
What you’ll need!
☆ Scrap fabric (a piece for the outside and the linning)
☆ Quilting Batting
☆ Interfacing
☆ Sewing machine
Here are the dimensions for the fabric: (I added 1/4” all to every dimension since I have a plastic cover on mine)
• 2 pieces of fabric 10.75” x 4”
• 2 pieces of fusible interfacing 10.5 ”x 3.75
• 1 piece of batting 10.5” x 3.75”
• 1 piece of fabric 2.5” tall by 2” wide for the tab
This project comes from this AWESOME tutorial that I found on the interweb! Simply follow the instructions and VOILÀ! You have an awesome Iphone sleeve (Perfect x-mas gift too!)
You can even make it for Blackberries or any phone, Ipod… Whatever! You can find those dimensions on the Internet! Oh Technology!
Happy Saturday! ♥
….More examples! Have fun with patterns!