
Chinatown Remixed 2013

Yesterday, I participated in an awesome arts festival… Chinatown Remixed! It was sunny, warm and beautiful! What a great day! A whole bunch of people participated in making some recycled crafts with me! who knew recycling could be so fun!?

My Mother Nature/Dame Nature costume!
Fake flowers everywhere I go!
Just outside Raw Sugar Café! I of course
brought some colorful bunting!
Some serious crafting!
My set-up!
 little girl working hard!
No age restrictions for crafting!
I had more adults than kids! Awesome! everyone was in the
first crafter of the day: my friend Benjamin!
Check out some adorable toilet paper roll crafts! I ♡ recycling!
Adorable owl… what a hoot! Check out the instructions.
Pine cone critters: some kids looooved the googly eyes!
Favorite creation of the day! Unicorn cyclops!

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