
Polka Dot Nails!

Last night, my gal pals and I decided to have a girl’s night! What happens during one of these fabulous events you may ask? Well there was hot chocolate, cookies, silly movies and…. MANICURES! My friend Megan brought over her super fancy nail pens and sparkly shades and we all ended up with fabulous nails! ♥

Today’s post is inspired from last night… Polka Dot Nails! Ou la la!

What you need:
♥ 2 different shades of nail polish
♥ shish-kabob stick or toothpick
♥ Clear topcoat

Step ① Choose two different shades of nail polish! I chose a dark pink and a light pink!

Step ② Apply one color over all your nails, as you would normally.

Step ③ Paint little polka dots (I did them in rows) with a shish-kabob stick. To make things easier, pour a little bit of nail polish on a piece of cardboard and dip the stick in the tiny puddle.

Step ④ Apply a top coat…. and voila!
Awesome polka dot nails!

Here’s my friend Kat painting her cat’s claws!
Even Kitty had fancy nails last night! Hah!

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