School/kids crafts

Tissue Paper Flowers!

April showers bring May FLOWERS!
…And look at these tissue paper flowers! So pretty! We were making them at school last Friday, getting ready for Mother’s day (it’s in a week people!). Each child worked on a beautiful bouquet to put in a handmade DIY vase (next post!) that they’ll offer to their moms! Wanna make some?
You’ll need pipe cleaners and tissue paper!
Cut the tissue paper into circles (you can mix up the
colours too!)
Make a stack of 6 layers of tissue paper circles and poke
a pipe cleaner in the middle, all the way through.
Flip the flower over and make a “U” shape with the end of
the pipe cleaner and poke it bak through again.
Turn the flower around and twist the pipe cleaner  around
the steam to close the loop.
“Scrunch” up one layer at a time to make a beautiful and
fluffy flower!

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