April showers bring May FLOWERS!
…And look at these tissue paper flowers! So pretty! We were making them at school last Friday, getting ready for Mother’s day (it’s in a week people!). Each child worked on a beautiful bouquet to put in a handmade DIY vase (next post!) that they’ll offer to their moms! Wanna make some?
You’ll need pipe cleaners and tissue paper! |
Cut the tissue paper into circles (you can mix up the colours too!) |
Make a stack of 6 layers of tissue paper circles and poke a pipe cleaner in the middle, all the way through. |
Flip the flower over and make a “U” shape with the end of the pipe cleaner and poke it bak through again. |
Turn the flower around and twist the pipe cleaner around the steam to close the loop. |
“Scrunch” up one layer at a time to make a beautiful and fluffy flower! |
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