DIY cards

Thank You Apple Cards!

Last week was the last week of school! I wanted to thank all my students for the most wonderful year ever, so I decided to make little cards. However, I didn’t have as much time as I usually have, so I decided to take these cute little apple cards I found and add some handmade touches instead! Here they are!

Perfect for or from a teacher!


Inspired from simple apple cards found at the Dollar store!
Materials: black marker, glue, colored paper, cards, scissors
Step by step: ① Find a fun pre-made card (mine’s a cute apple!) ② Draw things directly on it ③ Draw li ttle extra’s on coloured paper. ( my bubble says Merci! – that’s thank you in French!) ④ Glue your little extra drawings! Voilà!
I even added a little personalized message inside…
with another worm!

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    July 3, 2012 at 9:24 pm

    The apple cards are so cute!

    Your creativity is amazing. I wish I was in your class.

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