
Paintbrush Roll Case

Looking for a cute way to store your paintbrushes? Wrap them up in this handy paintbrush roll case! I followed the instructions in my favorite crafty sewing book “One Yard Wonders” and created this beautiful flowered brushes case for my friend Kathryn!

I even included a photo tutorial for those of you who want to give it a try! Good for beginner sewers! You can even make a smaller one for makeup brushes or alter it to hold tools! ♥

 What you’ll need:

✄1 yard of fabric (about a meter )
✄1 yard of ribbon (1″ wide)
✄ Ruler/measuring tape
✄ Pins

  1. Cut and mesure fabric

Front and back: 22″ (tall) x 17″ (wide) cut 2
Pocket: 9½ (tall)  x 17″(wide) cut 1

For the pocket, hem the top edge and pin to the front piece, aligning the bottoms/sides, with the right sides facing up. Mark every 2″, starting 2½” from the edge and draw a vertical line.

2. Divide the pocket

Topstitch, following the lines you drew earlier, through both layers of fabric. This will form your little pockets! You can play with the width too!

3. Ribbon time!
On the right side of the back piece, mark the spot for the ribbon: 3½” from the left and 6¾” from the bottom. Sew the ribbon with a box stitch.

4. Almost done!
Sew the front and back together, right sides together, but don’t forget to leave an opening at the top (about 5″) to turn it right side out! Press and stitch all around!

You’re done! Roll it up!

Check out the marker roll case I made for my friend Lolo!
Detail of the marker roll case!

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