Hi there! I wanted to share with you this little gift I put together for a special teacher, Ms Karina: the teacher who replaced me in my classroom all year. As you might know by now, my classroom is a pretty special place for me. I spend so much time in it and have spent a lot of hours making it beautiful. Going away for year maternity leave and leaving a lot of my things there scared me A LOT! Then this summer, I found out a friend of my regular subsitute teacher had taken yhe contract for my classroom. I started hearing how great she was, and I was so so so relieved! Knowing that she’s been in my classroom all year removed any worries I had (school usually takes up a lot of space in my headc), and I was able to just focus on my family and my little girl. What a special year it’s been!
Here’s what’s in my gift! I got her some nice Papermate pens (a teacher favorite!) and some colourful post-its (a teacher must-have). Then I had to include some handmade thing of course! a little pencil case I sewed (Tutorial Here) and a personalized clipboard I made with my cricut. To finish I off a cute little printed gift tag! I hope Ms. Karina loves her gift!