
Rat Stuffy!

This summer, I babysat two little girls who had pet rats… needless to say, rats where a very popular crafting theme. So I figured why not make our won little rats with fabric!? Wanna make one? Just follow the simple pattern I created!

thread & needle,  crafting cotton
(ears & tail), corduroy, 2 buttons,
* Use corduroy for the body and thin crafting cotton for the nose, ears & tail.
With right sides together sew the edge of the tail & ears, leaving a space
to insert the stuffing.  For the nose, take a little ball of stuffing and place
it in the middle of the circle. Gather all the edges together and sew shut
(kinda like a candy wrapper!) Sew the ears to the body and attach the button
eyes. With right sides together sew the edges of the body & don’t forget to
insert the tail and nose! Leave a a opening for the stuffing and sew
close when your rat is all nice and fluffy!
make sure to add the batting little by little to avoid clumps!
Rat stuffies with Lili the (real) rat!

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